Quick little update ..... Finished work sat in car started engine, instantly could smell electrical burning shut off engine and was doing the air sniff test we all seem to do

Turns out a 5 pence piece decided to jump out of my coin tray and find its way down into the lighter port

Managed to fish it out turned engine back on to find my check oil light on and two blown lights (dipped right hand side/ parking left hand side) .... Is this because I shorted something ?
Changed out the fuse after a quick trip to halfords so that all works again .... But still had warning lights all over my dash sooooo a quick trip to a garage/family friend got them cleared only for him to tell me my sensors will need changing out ???
He said I'll need two coolant temp sensors (news to me I thought there was only one)
Anyways just after a bit of advice really am I right in thinking the part number I need is 06A919501A and will I need two of these or is it a different sensor ?? Really confused .... Want to get these niggling problems sorted before its MOT just for piece of mind