It depends on whether you are having the map tweaked for performance, or whether you simply want the Lambda fault patched out. Since you haven't named the tuner, I would hazard a guess that most will want between £50-100 for doing it, but you're at the mercy of your chosen tuner really.
If you go anywhere else they will want to sell you their own map, and not have anything to do with the one already on there
i got a reply from my tuner and he told me they need somekind of hex address to de-activate it and they don't have it on there custom map? Can i try to cheat the EML light with a spacer and bounch of wire wool stoffed inside the spacers end? and if the light comes on can i still drive with it normaly? mo defects?
Hes not lying, but it also proves he is not a tuner, but a simple file pusher using tools and software that any mug can buy and use. Seriously go somewhere else, i.e. a VAG specialist. R-Tech, Revo, APR etc.
Car will drive fine with the light on