Mckay, the thing is with having the front plate there, imo you're spoiling the look of
the car by blocking the airflow through the open grille. To me, it looks as though you're not
particularly bothered about the car's cooling ability. And the us spec short recess bumper
visually doesn't flow as good as ours does across that phat rear. Just to sweeten my plates
up a little i got my mate in the shop to reduce the overall size of the font ever so slightly,
it's subtle but it works for me.
Big stu, are you still using just the one open fog grille? I reckon you should have the pair as
they add width and aggression. A mazda stubby would be a nice touch too, goes great with
the planted look, i'm waiting for mine to arrive. And personally, i wouldn't touch the vw
badges as they help with the look i like, posh hooligan ha ha.
What are your thoughts on the wishbones? Cheers