I think the comparison to speeding is slightly flawed. I agree that in many circumstances it is irresponsible, but that fact is you can choose whether or not to speed, and base that decision on whether the conditions allow it. If you're saying that you won't use your car when it is foggy, then fine, but otherwise I think you're putting other people and yourself in danger for the sake of a failed aesthetic improvement. That and that it's illegal.
....My turn to agree with you, Andrew. I think it's a flawed comparison too but you can only lead a horse to water and can't make him drink. Stealth bothered to post the formal text of the legislation and you and I have presented the principles and reasoning supported by others in agreement.
If it was me who had done this mod and then learnt from others here what its potential problems were, I'd say thanks guys, this site is a very valuable source of knowledge, and then change it to comply with the law.
No more to be said really. I'm afraid that to be very honest, a part of me wants these guys to get pulled by the Police for it or fail the MOT.

i must say RR you make me laugh every time i read 1 of your aggresive, harsh, over exaggerated opinions about this

do you think that telling me that it is illegal will change my point of view, i obviousley do not require my fog light as much as u do. i told you i new the consequences of this and being a vw tech i also no that this is illegal. Every1 is entitled to their own point of view but there are better ways of expressing them. you said theres a part of you that hopes a fail an MOT or done by the police, i dont recall the police checking the operation of all my lights or checking cv boots or other road legal requirements when i got pulled over so i cant see that happening. n for an MOT, being a tech i will never fail 1 for this minor fog light issue as it is a quick change to do.
yes your right this site is a very valuable source for information and very helpful!!!!
So if i tell you to slow down because you were doin 48 mph in 40 and may cause sum1 serious injury, would you slow down to comply with the law or carry on because its safe at the time.

i think i have to disagree about the flawed comparison, as breaking the law is breaking the law simple as that. does that mean if the police catch you speeding you can explain that the conditions were perfect and it was safe to break the limit and they will accept this?
@ boaby supper, i totaly agree about how out of proportion this has got, think its the contrast between how younger and older people think and how they express their point of view nowa days !!!

All this bitching its like a womans forum!!!