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Author Topic: Candy white cleaning recommendations  (Read 9047 times)

Offline Chris92

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2016, 11:54:38 pm »
Sorry I dont mean to hijack the thread.

But I also have a candy white gti (selling soon) But I still want to try to get into detailing (been lazy in the past).

my current method is

auto finese citrus power
pressure wash
clean using meguiars shampoo and conditioner
dry using drying towel

What Im looking to do:

After this step, Im thinking I should be using a product like CarPro - TRIX Iron and Tar Remover? In regards to applying it, do I just leave it on the surface for a few minutes then rinse?
Then claying it, would autogylm clay be ok?
Next would be using autoglym srp
Sealing with collinite- what do I use to apply this product, a microfibre cloth?
And finally using meguiars rapid deatailer (which I already have)

In regards to removing tar, is the above product good as its 2 in 1, or would it be better to get capro iron x and a seperate tar remover - any recommendations?

is this a good process to start with?
My next step will be to get a polisher.

Everyone here has given good advice thus far, cheers.

I wouldn't use a two in one and especially if them kind of products haven't been used on a car in a good while. Tar remover I'd opt for autosmart tardis and bilt hamber korrosol fallout remover. Tar remover I spray on spots leave a few mins then wipe with a microfiber cloth, start with tar remover then move onto the fallout remover, spray whole car leave a few mins and watch your car turn red/purple as it dissolves the iron particles. Then rinse and clay, nothing wrong with AG clay. Some people wash the car again at this stage but I just snow foam it and rinse as I'm lazy.

To apply the collys use a foam applicator pad. Try not to over apply, you want a nice thin layer on. Like I said above I find collys overrated in it's durability and final finish it's adds nothing for me, finsh kare will give a much better finish on the white.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 11:57:54 pm by Chris92 »

Offline mrggg

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2016, 12:08:55 am »
Sorry I dont mean to hijack the thread.

But I also have a candy white gti (selling soon) But I still want to try to get into detailing (been lazy in the past).

my current method is

auto finese citrus power
pressure wash
clean using meguiars shampoo and conditioner
dry using drying towel

What Im looking to do:

After this step, Im thinking I should be using a product like CarPro - TRIX Iron and Tar Remover? In regards to applying it, do I just leave it on the surface for a few minutes then rinse?
Then claying it, would autogylm clay be ok?
Next would be using autoglym srp
Sealing with collinite- what do I use to apply this product, a microfibre cloth?
And finally using meguiars rapid deatailer (which I already have)

In regards to removing tar, is the above product good as its 2 in 1, or would it be better to get capro iron x and a seperate tar remover - any recommendations?

is this a good process to start with?
My next step will be to get a polisher.

Everyone here has given good advice thus far, cheers.

I wouldn't use a two in one and especially if them kind of products haven't been used on a car in a good while. Tar remover I'd opt for autosmart tardis and bilt hamber korrosol fallout remover. Tar remover I spray on spots leave a few mins then wipe with a microfiber cloth, start with tar remover then move onto the fallout remover, spray whole car leave a few mins and watch your car turn red/purple as it dissolves the iron particles. Then rinse and clay, nothing wrong with AG clay. Some people wash the car again at this stage but I just snow foam it and rinse as I'm lazy.

To apply the collys use a foam applicator pad. Try not to over apply, you want a nice thin layer on. Like I said above I find collys overrated in it's durability and final finish it's adds nothing for me, finsh kare will give a much better finish on the white.

top man, thanks for replying back so quick. Il get those products that you have recommended ordered! BTW is yours candy white? Its just some products are better on certain paints, or so I hear.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 12:12:06 am by mrggg »

Offline mrggg

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2016, 12:58:50 am »
also out of interest whats the difference between iron x and tard remover?  Do I need to by both? whats the difference and which is more effective? Thanks.

Offline Chris92

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2016, 11:43:54 am »
My old mk5 gti was candy white and my new one is red. Tar remover is obviously for removing tar and fallout removers such as iron x and bilt hamber korrosol remove iron particles from the paint. Think your getting them both mixed up, they are different products for difference contaminates.

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2016, 10:07:58 pm »
Get chemical guys white light, really makes candy white pop and brings it up super glossy

Offline shoaybmakda

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2016, 02:17:05 am »
right guys - so far I've added to my collection:

bilt hamber snow foam
bilt hamber clay bar
meguires quick detailing spray
collinite 476 wax
dragons breath iron remover
and from previously i had the autoglym SRP and shampoo and tyre shine
also bought some cheap lambswool mits and microfibre cloths from halfords that they had on offer

will be using the two bucket method but haven't got a grit guard yet - next on my list.

so i assume its the usual method of use iron remover, wash, snow foam, wash, shampoo, wash and dry use clay bar, wash and dry, polish and finally wax and finish of with doing the tyres? itching to wash the car now but just my luck the weathers been miserable!

Offline Eccie

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2016, 04:22:32 pm »
I preferred a sealant on my candy white Mk5 GTi & I still use one on my MK7 Gti

Gone - Candy White MK5 Golf GTI (you never really forget your first true love...!)
MK7 Candy White GTI pp - you can never have enough eye candy

Offline Ajthird3

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2016, 11:53:11 am »
I'm working the auto finesse illusion wax, gives me a nice glossy wet look on my candy white golf r

Offline shoaybmakda

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Re: Candy white cleaning recommendations
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2016, 09:56:01 pm »
Had a go today at cleaning the car with all the products (even though I knew it was going to end up raining today!! :stupid: )

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