@Shoduchi : Hi buddy

Loooong time no hear! How'z life? And still enjoying your lovely Ed 30?
I'm finaly geting to install all the rest of the parts

Hope to get it all done by the end of April... Then give it a little more jucy Hp!

As for the oil pump I searched more info about it and after a good chat with an engine "doctor" , he told me that it was not nessecery but it couldn't do any harm to install it. Especialy with the TFSI engine! The balance shafts are known to fail... My first option was also the VIS balance shaft delete sproket (I bought one) but then I got in contact with MIK Motoren and they got a whole oil pump conversion kit without having to drill in the oil shaft and the pump is set to 6.8 bar.
The timingbelt change is not such a stress as long you follow the procedures, the only difficult/hard thing was the engine mount to the block removal and the little bolt from the timingcover which is behind that engine mount... all the other steps are quiet easy if you follow the instuction manual
As for the timing chain, I didn't change it. Put VCDS on it and all was safe

but I'll replace it in the future when it's needed.
Enough about me now!

How are the trackdays? Still enjoying it?