All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

Edition 30 powered by RBS

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Next up is ED 30… was a sleep in the garage for almost 8 weeks!!😅
Some spiders liked the wheels and arches😁

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the entire thread over the course of nearly an hour! Well done you and your dedication to the ED30 and 20 of course, both look mint.  :happy2:

Looking forward to seeing what's next!

@SANDEGTI  :wink:Thanks mate  :happy2:
 Still a long way to go😅 but I’ll get there…😁

Finally some time this weekend to wash the Croatian bugs off … and give it a bit of love before diving back in the garage to finally start on the suspension and brakes!!
So enjoy  :wink:

When I come back home in Belgium, it’s realy time I get going with the Ed 30!!
Last couple of months were all work work work!😵‍💫
I hope the next couple of weekends I’ll be able to finally install the RS4 fpv and
LOBA fp!! Then the oil pump… and and and😅 So many things still left to do…
By next year in May everything must be done😅

Croatia looks lovely.
That's quite task list you have


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