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Edition 30 powered by RBS

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After a good month now, the tune is still working! :pomppomp:
Last weekend I gave the edition 30 a full service… new oilfilter, 5W-40 oil,
Checked the camfollower, DSG oil & filter service and got rid of the GFB upgrade
on the diverter valve. Put a new one on and….
Went on a little drive. Everything is smoothly as butter now😎

So now I can finally get down to installing all the suspension goodies :jumpmove:
Some Tyrollsport, Bilstein and H&R stuff.
I’ll start from the rear and see how I’m progressing 😅
All of that is normally for the 1st or 2nd weekend in November…

My motivation pic :signLOL:

Got some time last night to start with the rear suspension…😎

Changed the anti roll bar and drop links with all new nuts and bolts along with
the Tyrolsport subframe rigid collar kit.
Tonight the B16’s are next….

Some before and after pic’s

All went pretty smoothly until the old left drop link decided to break / round off🙄🤬
So… grinding time😅 and 15min later all was loose👍🏻
Got all the nuts and bolts torqued up and went for a drive to see / feel if my work was all good😁

Tonight I’ll get the shocks and springs ready to be mounted…

Rear shocks all ready to be mounted…


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