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Edition 30 powered by RBS

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Here are finaly some pics from yesterday. There's still more to come but they won't upload for some reason?! Also a couple of short movies. I'll try again tomorrow.
Here ya go:

Intake cleaning:

After intake cleaning:

You have to remove the intake manifold to really clean the intake. :wink:

@ Shoduchi: Yes you're right mate :wink:!
But in my case, the engine was just driven in so it was not nessecery to do this. Only if cars have 100.000KM or more it is better to remove the intake completely. Then it is a more efficient cleaning.

Now back to bussines  :drinking:
Received a couple of new packages: :jumpmove:

Now only a couple of packages left! Finaly

Since your mechanic will have to take the front of your Ed. 30 to fit the IC, it's not that hard to do the intake cleaning. With the front out is much easier to replace the fuel pressure return valve too.

Look at mine with 57.000 km:

My mechanic and I weren't expecting that it was this bad with so few km... :sad1:

It made 243 BHP with all that gunk in the valve stems...

I'd also recommend replacing all thermostats (your car has 2) and temperature sensors (I think you have 2 as well) because they're not that expensive parts, are prone to malfunction and it's the labour to replace them that can be a PITA.

DSG   thermostat: 4E0121113
Engine thermostat: 06F121111H
Engine thermostat seal: 06B121119B
Temp sensor: 2x 06A919501A
Temp seal: 2x N90316802
Retention clip: 2x 32121142

Your build is awesome! :notworthy:

@Shoduchi :  :surprised: WOW! That's a lot of debrie! For only 57.000KM!?!
Ok I'll check it again when I'm instaling the intercooler and hoses, the front is than out anyway!
And thanks again for the info about changing thermostats & sensors! :happy2: Will order them and replace them!

Oh and I forgot to put proof of the Dyno run! Here it is :

Thanks again mate :wink:


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