So, bit of an update good & bad... I got my front struts re built so I could get lower on the front and I am very happy with them. I tried on a friends 19" Vossen's yesterday for size as I'm getting new wheels soon and not sure weather to go for 18/19" .. Opinions? I also got the back 3 windows tinted at 35% and I am delghted with it, makes it look a bit more sporty and less of a 5 door

Thinking of getting Rotifrom IND or IND-T's in either 18/19...

not quiet sure.

I also took out my DA polisher for the first time last week to try bring my B pillars back to there former glory, came out well in my opinion. (After on left/before on right)

I got round to buying some magnets from Ebay for my number plate. Haven't actually drove the car yet so hopefully they'll stick.

Also picked up a new Headunit from a friend breaking a MK5, not sure the make of it but im over the moon with it. has Maps, DVD, BT ,USB and car information. Paid £175 for it and taught it was definitely worth it.

Picked up an airlift 4 gallon tank instead of my 5 gallon chunky one. Re-did my boot build with carpet from only charged dubs, picked up 4 compressor silencers from Ebay and they definitely help with the vibrations. Overall I'm very happy with it as I didn't want anything over the top.

Another small update is that I painted my calipers as they were a bit shook!

So... the bad news, Had my struts replaced 2 weeks ago and the power sterring light has come on. I got it tracked yesterday and the front was a good bit out but its perfect now, I taught this could have been the problem but light is still on after fault was cleared. The code is :
00573 - Power steering torque sensor - faulty sensor - intermittent.
I have read up online and seems like a need pump will be needed. Has anyone had this issue before and are they any other things I can try that could solve the problem. The power steering is fine its just the light??
I ordered a VCDS cable last week so I should have that tomorrow