1) Hands free works like a charm, it connects via bluetooth, I haven't had any issues nor had the other end say they had difficulty hearing me. Other than the fact the other end can tell that im driving.
what bothers me, is that the head unit name is "CAR-BT" by default and you cant change that. To add to the annoyance, the password is "0000", again you cant change. (not that I know off) These things dont affect its performance, just that I would have liked the option to personalise it.
2) Yes its a full 7 digit entry. Very comprehensive. For now, I have installed the antenna in the glove box, but will be moving it under the centre tray where the vents are. Will use double sided tape. Never had any connection/reception issues and have been using it for 3 months. Will have to see if the new location will provide same service, just am looking to hide the antenna.

3) No I didnt purchase any extra cables or harness to make the unit operational. My factory radio had two antennas inputs, however this Erisin one has only one, hence only plugged in one, I did test which one gave me better signal so that will vary for you. However there is a adapter out there which converts two into one. I cant seem to figure its name out to search it, but I know that it exists, seen it. After I had received the unit, I did message them back and asked for another harness be sent to me, as the one they sent, didn't have any cables for illumination. As thats needed for the LED's to work. That was a long process as it was sent from China.
Other than that. No extra cables were needed. Everything is supplied. I did however buy cables, but they were due to me wanting a OEM look for my switches near my tray.

Sorry cant seem to figure out a way to rotate the bloody pics.