O.K i'll copy and paste this from the R Forum but this forum seems to be way more active so might as well start a thread here.
Well after much searching i eventually bought this 2010 DSG R 5 door last saturday.
There were two very tempting cars on here but they were both 3 door and i really need a 5 for the baby stuff [:(]
It was from a VW main dealer so get 2 year warranty (Ohhh but stage2+ is calling) which is lucky as on sunday night when the Mrs was cruising at about 50mph the car lost drive, D was flashing and it was like it was in neutral. Turned it off and on and Its been fine since then so i'd like to check for codes then throw it back at VW to fix as i deffo dont want it happening as shes Heavily pregnant and has just lost all faith in the car already!
Anyway out with the bad stuff on to the pics...

Before it left the dealers it got a full service, Wheels re-painted and a few scuffs done but i asked for nothing else as i'll get it detailed over christmas.
Plans are:
See Good friends at PWPro for a detail and seal (maybe a front end protection wrap)
Kersher front splitter
Black badges Done
BCS exhaust (nearly done if the Groupbuy happens)
EVOMS Intake
Stage? Remap
DSG Remap
I'm unsure if i take it to anywhere but VW for a service if the VW warranry will still apply. I'd rather take it to Stattlers or another trusted specialist but i need to find out if this warranty is even worth the paper its written on yet.
I want to keep this as updated as i can to share the knowledge along the way.
Ok so since the above...
Shes had a quick one stage polish and sealed. This was just to check the condition of the paint and make it easier for me to wash whilst i waited for the front and rear to be resprayed.
Also changed the badges for black ones. Bought off ebay for about £12 and they do the job perfectly. I just need to fit some red vinyl on the rear between the gaps.

And heres how shes sat now. Having Bonnet, Bumpers, and wings resprayed to remove chips etc. Then hopefully if ££ allow i'll get a full front end Paint protection film install from PW Pro.

Plans are still as above. I'm going for the exhaust first as they are on the group buy. Then probably the air filter. Might go for a forge Twincooler as well then a remap. I'm thinking Statlers or R-tech.
Also got some custom mats (black with red stitching) ready to go in.

thats all for now