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Author Topic: Help identifying this noise please!?  (Read 20392 times)

Offline Joshy

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Re: Help identifying this noise please!?
« Reply #75 on: January 20, 2016, 08:35:13 am »
Thought I should probably update this since I originally started it aha!

Anyway, since I posted this I've had my alternator and air con compressor replaced and the noise in the video (the one that isn't too obvious. Could hear it in person more) has gone.

The alternator bearings were shot and sounded horrible. Brand new one in now.

As for the air con compressor, well I seem to have blown something up inside of it. Was driving the car, put my foot down and something went bang. When speaking to the guy that fitted the new compressor, and he said he found lots of metal fragments in it!? Oh man, it made a horrible noise driving it home!

The car sounds much better now. Still a few noises/issues that I need to sort though. Anyway, carry on with the discussion above. Just thought I'd let everyone know aha!

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Help identifying this noise please!?
« Reply #76 on: January 20, 2016, 10:15:23 am »
Glad you've sorted thay one out and getting closer to sorting out all your car woes mate  :happy2:

oh and sorry about the thread jacking  :ashamed: