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Author Topic: Aux input options with RCD300  (Read 2879 times)

Offline Eddcunningham

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Aux input options with RCD300
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:54:50 pm »
Hi everyone,

Been lurking for a while, but now I finally have my golf, I'm looking to do a couple things that I'll certainly need some help with!
One of those is fitting an aux input to my standard RCD300, until I can justify the cost of a CarPlay unit. Now, I know there's a ton of options and loads of guides online, but I'd describe myself as rather picky, hence why I need some assistance.

I don't like the idea of having cables trawling across the car, or filling my glovebox, so I'm looking for something a bit neater.
A couple of options I was toying with was either adding an input behind the gearstick (next to the ESP and tyre pressure buttons), or ripping out my CD changer from the armrest and using that loom for audio (with the correct adapted of course).
So firstly:
If I went down the input behind gearstick route, would I just need to remove the gear gaiter and ashtray assembly and just drop the cable down from the back of HU, or is there a lot more involved? I'm assuming I'd then just connect this input to a Connects2 unit into the CD changer port as normal?

If I were to my remove my CD changer, I understand I'd still have the loom (is this MDI, or am I mistaken?) in the space, so is there any OEM options for aux in, in this fashion, similar to the iPod dock? Alternatively, could I just connect a Connects2 unit to that end, fill the space with a blank cubby hole and drill a hole for the aux cable? I imagine that way, I'd never have to even touch the RCD300, so seems easier?

Does anyone have any experience of either of these methods?
Sorry for a lengthy post for my first, but I'm a picky bugger  :grin:

Offline Nasir

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Re: Aux input options with RCD300
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2016, 05:58:16 pm »
I've done this on my old MK5.

If you have a CD changer in the armrest, the wiring is the same for a VW Aux switch. I bought a blank cubby hole from VW, cut a hole for the aux switch and coded the headunit to accept it. Your RCD must have all silver buttons to allow for Aux In.

This solution was neat and allowed me to place the aux cable neatly into the armrest. Looked very OEM.
Shadow Blue 2007 GTI DSG (Standard)

Offline kingraza27

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Re: Aux input options with RCD300
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2016, 09:19:54 pm »
Yeah, you got it right, its a simple straight drop and connect from behind the unit. Nothing else needed. Although cable ties are recommended as my cables were pretty long.

This is what I have done

Although you still need a 3.5mm cable (I keep mine in the glove box) take it out only when I use the AUX.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 09:23:54 pm by kingraza27 »

Offline Eddcunningham

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Re: Aux input options with RCD300
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2016, 12:35:05 pm »
I've done this on my old MK5.

If you have a CD changer in the armrest, the wiring is the same for a VW Aux switch. I bought a blank cubby hole from VW, cut a hole for the aux switch and coded the headunit to accept it. Your RCD must have all silver buttons to allow for Aux In.

This solution was neat and allowed me to place the aux cable neatly into the armrest. Looked very OEM.

Nasir, just to make sure I'm on the same page - does the Connects2 kit just fit straight into the wiring the CD changer? This sounds like a much quicker and easier short term solution!
Also, I didn't think I'd need to do any coding for the RCD300 if I already have the CD changer installed?
