First I thought what the heck am I driving haha
I didn't know how to use the paddle gears but once you know how its really cool.
sports mode is awesome and like changing gears in a manual but less effort. It does take a split second to decide what it's doing but 3 seconds that's a lot of time to be thinking 
It was my first time in an auto so was probably the issue I tried it in drive mode manual where I used paddle shifts but I think my reactions were not quick enough couldn't get it right in sport mode it sempt ok but still like I say just didn't like how it had to think abit when putting foot down 3 seconds is abit ott but it felt crap. I think it was one with a dodgy gearbox to be honest as I read early models suffered with crap boxes didn't fix them really till around 2012.
On another note test drove a focus ST today man am addicted to that engine sound! lol but fuel omg it was on 30 mile distance to empty I drove it about 5 mile with some spirited driving :) and it said I had 5 mile to go when back to dealer!

god knows what mpg that was wish it was avg mpg now but didn't look I bet it was lucky if it was 20!