Everything about the installation is wrong.

Firstly - you don't need that much grease as when you buy a the kit it comes with a tiny sachet of grease which is adequate for the job as I've fitted my own one on/in and it literally slid in flush with no force required. but all that grease and he still failed miserably

Second - there is no need to hammer it as the groove that it slides through is clear so there shouldn't need to be any force required.
Thirdly he's finished the job yet left the bush patially hanging out which makes him look very unprofessional

Forth - it looks like sh** as theres grease still all over it now even a wipe.
And finally - he couldn't even get the small washer to settle into the bush so he just shoved it up there with the huge washed and bolt hoping it may seat into position which is when the video skips