Glad to hear you're keeping the car
Thanks An0NyMOUs, so am I as I'd be losing well over £2k if I'd have sold it for anywhere near £6k or under. if I did sell then it'd be another tt or worst still a diesel
I know the tt is unpractical for me and my family but $hi* happens is what I'd say to the misses 
Haha! I'm sure that would have gone down a treat. Sounds like getting the job has saved you a lot of grief!
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Seriously was mate. I'm lost without work as no income means no life and paying bills would have been stressful too.
Spent all my savings buying this golf last year for £6850 and then selling the tt 8 months later for £1900 plus a further £900 on mods. but that's all gone as London isn't a cheap place to live and neither was keeping two cars as the new manager the pri** got up all to get our second cars off the site

I started tinkering with mods on the golf and now hopefully I can carry on and save for an exhaust decat remap and front bumper like yours lol lights done CC done now the power side and maybe even the ed30 ends

Here's me dreaming for now