Found this on another forum.
I think it works on dual climate control vehicles but never tried it on mine as I keep on forgetting to.

This is a pretty cool trick if you have dual climate control. It's not in the owner's manual. If you press the "AC" and upper climate control button (the one with the ↑ on it) at the same time, you will notice the temp screen change to a number. It starts at 0.0. The driver one and the passenger one both change. If you turn the driver's temperature knob to the right, the numbers on the driver's side will change from 1.0 to 25.0. With the fan center knob you can change the decimals, .1, .2, .3 etc. Depending on what number the driver's side is at, the passenger's number indicates a certain reading. Those are speed, outside temperature, etc. Here is the layout of what each one means. The left one is the number shown on driver's side, the right is what you the passenger's number means respecitvely. Sorry if it sounds confusing.
.0 : Outside temp - front bumper
4.1 : Outside temp - roof
4.2 : Outside temp - rear bumper (inside temp?)
15.0 : Oil temp
19.0 : Uncorrected speed (Kmh)
19.1 : Uncorrected speed (Mph)
19.2 : Coolant temp
19.3 : Tachometer
19.4 : oil pressure
25.0 : Voltage