So just a little update on this, first i had ordered Van Can Pro copy from somewhere thinking that this would be a wise buy, sadly this wasn't the case but i'll explain a little more soon.
I was trawling through the net when i stumbled across this'll need a bit of translate but kinda easy to keep up, lots going on but mainly the bits to change in the module etc be it 1K0 or 5K0 but you need a program to interrogate the module and change things, also modules require security access before you can do anything, so i plugged my s**t copy of VCP in only to find it did nothing, i was a little disheartened but thought sod it i''ll buy the fully bloody version.
Now from installing the copy i got an idea what the program is capable of and it already gives you the folding mirror option on a one press solution for 1K0 and 5K0 modules not just N modules.
This afternoon I got my now fully working version of VCP up and running and put my old 1K0 module back in its from 2010, some of you may know I've had a skoda 1T0 module in my car to do the folding mirrors for a few years but i wanted it done properly due to a couple of silly things the 1T0 module does.
Here is the write up i did for that with my 1K0 module in

I pressed a few buttons on VCP and now my mirrors fold with a long press from the key from a golf module and open as soon
as i open the drivers door, rather than with ignition which i'd already been used to before from the 1T0 module.
So next step is to see if the 1T0 module will reprogram to fold mirrors upon opening the drivers door?
plus i want to try an older 1K0 module from say 2005 onwards that aren't N versions, obviously they still need the folding option in them to start with it can't make low modules folding.
So if anyone wants me to try coding there mirrors up for FREE please get in touch (i'm in Maidstone area) and we'll experiment to see if it can be done, which i don't see why not.
one last thing the mirror worked the other way round to the passenger side one, which I tried to rectify without swapping the wires over but i had to just swap the wires over in the mirror plug for it to be in tandem. overall a productive and happy day.
one other thing to try i've been collecting 5K0 drivers units from Europe, now putting these on a RHD car makes things all work wrong way round, but VCP also can change modules from LHD to RHD so i'f this works and say your old 1K0 version can't be coded then you could use 5K0 version to see if works.