General > Product Reviews
Yoko AD08R
First impressions are that they seem to have roughly the same amount (possible a touch more) of grip in the current damp conditions as my previous MPSS tyres, which i still rate as the best tyre I have used so far.
I wont know what the AD08R are really like until the weather dries up a bit.
Keep us posted on how they are in the wet, i.e. standing water? I can understand them being ok in the cold and damp once you have a little heat in them, but fear they would be bloody dangerous when hitting standing water at speed
Is the load rating high enough, especially given the lower speed rating? Standard is 92 and the higher Y rating....
The sidewalls are stiffer than most 92xl anyway. w speed rating is more than enough for 99.999999% of usage
88W vs 92Y
168mph vs 186mph speed rating
560kg vs 630kg load
Both fall in the limits of the GTI
Mitch H:
have you tried toyo 888's?
im between trying mpss or a semi slick like ad08r or toyo888 for my next tyre.
with summer coming up semi slicks are very tempting !
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