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Author Topic: Why do VWUK Shaft Us?  (Read 1536 times)

Offline Nasir

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Why do VWUK Shaft Us?
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:27:54 am »
VW of America have numerous warranties up to 100k miles and 10 years. This includes the weak points of the MK5 Golf. Such as the PCV, DSG (not a weak point but it's covered), high level LED 3rd brake light, cam follower (7 years).

The parts, I assume, are the same on our cars. Yet VW UK refuse to even entertain the idea of a warranty past 3 years. Pretty sure they'd laugh if you asked for a warranty claim on an 8/9 year old car.

FYI there's nothing wrong with my car (thankfully). It's just that things like this p*ss me off. One branch of VW clearly has to admit it, yet another flat out refuses. Why do we get shafted like this in the UK?

Even on the rusty wings front, VW UK were slow to pull their finger out. Some people have rust on the sills and have been refused a claim.

The UK is a pretty big market for VW. Do we just get pushed over? Too many lease cars? Meaning most people don't actually care past 3 years?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 11:30:22 am by Nasir »
Shadow Blue 2007 GTI DSG (Standard)

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Re: Why do VWUK Shaft Us?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2016, 11:53:44 am »
It's a combination of things really:-

The American market is massive therefore more $$ for VW, so they treat their customers better.
American consumer rights is much stronger than ours.
American customer service is a LOT better than ours.
Americans are big on value for money.
VW is not a premium brand in America like it is here.

And quite frankly, because VW can get away with it here.   Do you remember the appalling MK4 2.0 GTI?  Yeah.....only Britain got that sh*tty engine put into the GTI.  Everywhere else got the 1.8T.

As consumers, Brits don't stand up for ourselves.  We are too easily bent over.  We are the sort to moan to ourselves about the poor quality / service received in a restaurant rather than complain.  We are too reserved and polite to kick up a fuss.  Americans spit feathers at the slightest sign of poor service and woe betide any gas station that puts a gallon up a few cents.

Brits treat Audi / VW as premium and they charge us more, knowing we'll pay for it.  In Germany, Audis & Golfs are just taxis.  Here, they are status symbols.

Fair it is not, but it's always been that way unfortunately.  VW of America is a bit different to Europe though.  Pretty sure they are made over there and not to the same high standards as VW of Europe, although I could be wrong.

It's the same with Netflix.  Netflix UK gets a load of ancient sh*t whereas Netflix America gets all the good stuff.  They hide behind "international license laws" or some nonsense, but what ever!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 11:55:22 am by Pudding »

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Offline Nasir

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Re: Why do VWUK Shaft Us?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2016, 12:46:58 pm »
Good points mate. I guess this is what's happening here. We're moaning to ourselves, yet not taking action against VW. I'm very envious of the American customer service. Even ordering parts from VW seems to be a chore for them.

I'd say that my next car won't be VW, but all of the major manufacturers are the same. None of them will own up to the fact they made some sub-standard parts. In fact, I saw an article a few years back from Warranty Direct, and the amount of repairs needed rose dramatically after the 3 years of manufacturer warranty ran out. Planned obsolescence.

The idea that german cars are reliable is a myth now. I don't think it's anything to do with where it was built now, as multinational companies can employ whoever they want.
Shadow Blue 2007 GTI DSG (Standard)

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Re: Why do VWUK Shaft Us?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2016, 04:21:19 pm »
I have to agree with @Nasir the whole German cars are reliable is a bit of a myth now. I don't know about everyone else but for me cars are not built as they used to be (and I'm saying this as a 30 year old!). I'm sure all cars have issues but for example i felt alot safer driving a mk 4 than a mk5. The doors felt heavier and more padded.i can't say how the new golfs are now but I just feel now cars are manufactured so the company can make a killing on parts and labour and diagnostics etc etc

But I guess it also depends on how it's been looked after.

But going off topic now - yeah we in the U.K. Do get bent over in after sales service and it's a shame really considering the amount people fork out to look after their cars to get ripped off is very annoying to say the least.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 04:23:12 pm by shoaybmakda »