General > Detailing
Foam lance/hose/pressure washer
Evening all.
This will be a simple question to those in the know. I'm looking at upping my valeting/detailig game. Can I use a snow foam gun with an ordinary hose on a tap, or do I need to use a pressure washer?
Also can you use any car shampoo as 'snow foam' or is snow foam a brand of shampoo suitable to use with a lance?
Demon shine sell one that connects via normal hose. Not sure what it's like. Mesto snow foam atomiser seems to get reviews. You can't beat using a pressure washer though.
If you don't have access to a hose you can always use a bucket of water to run with a pressure washer, if you have power outside or extension cable.
I've tried the ones that go on the hose. No point. Don't bother. Ditto for shampoo. Go for a pressure washer. If you can't, then get a garden sprayer and fill it with some prewash and spray that.
As above, don't waste your time using snow foam with normal hose. Zero pressure so it feels like constantly having to spray to get coverage.
Only use with pressure washer. I believe you have to buy some sort of adaptor to use with pressure washer.
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