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Author Topic: URGENT oil pressure stop engine  (Read 213654 times)

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #150 on: March 04, 2016, 03:17:35 pm »
I know on the TSI engine if the chain wears out to a certain point, the engine won't start at all.  Probably because the ECU can't figure out where the cam is in relation to the crank anymore.  I wonder if that's true of the TFSI?

Makes sense... sounds weird but hopefully! fingers crossed it could just be a new cam chain, adjustor, tensioner and the associated gaskets, bolts etc...
@Dan_FR You seem pretty clued up on tfsi engines and what does and doesnt cause them to cut out etc what do you think?

Offline Roadrebel

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #151 on: March 04, 2016, 06:14:48 pm »
My chain broke so the inlet camshaft stopped turning and the pistons hit the valves and bent them.

You can easily check this by removing the camshaft cover and turning the engine with a spanner to see if both camshafts turn.

If the oil strainer was blocked it would not stop the engine from starting again unless there is more serious damage.

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #152 on: March 04, 2016, 10:44:13 pm »
Taken battery tray and coilpacks out. Struggling with rear breather pipes, cant get either off! What about releasing the valve cover and then trying to pull the hoses off once the valve cover is off?

Also started to disconnect the fuel pump and left it at the banjo bolt gunna try tomorrow. If youre looking at it from beneath it undoes anti clockwise right?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 10:49:29 pm by Peskyjones »

Offline r5gtt

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #153 on: March 04, 2016, 11:48:41 pm »
It could well be a failed hydraulic tensioner for the chain so here's hoping  :drinking:
Yes the banjo unbolts anti clock wise.

Offline Dan_FR

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #154 on: March 05, 2016, 07:36:53 am »
I know on the TSI engine if the chain wears out to a certain point, the engine won't start at all.  Probably because the ECU can't figure out where the cam is in relation to the crank anymore.  I wonder if that's true of the TFSI?

Makes sense... sounds weird but hopefully! fingers crossed it could just be a new cam chain, adjustor, tensioner and the associated gaskets, bolts etc...
@Dan_FR You seem pretty clued up on tfsi engines and what does and doesnt cause them to cut out etc what do you think?

As has been said, oil pressure warning will not stop it from starting. Since the oil light appeared first I suspect the problem still lies here and with the oil pump. The timing fault could well be the tensioner not doing its job due to lack of oil pressure.

If you plan to start the car without checking the pump, then get a mechanical gauge plumbed in to check for pressure without relying on the warning light.

Removing cam cover and checking both cams are turning is a must. Hopefully the timing correlation will go with oil pressure.
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #155 on: March 05, 2016, 11:48:19 am »
Marius came and looked today. Started at half seven as I have a bank appointment at half 12. He said before we start taking the valve and cam cover off to put the sump back on and crank the engine. First thing he did was hand crank the engine and afterwards he said there was still pressure but not as much as he had expected. He then asked me to turn the ignition so he could listen to it. He seems pretty adamant that three cyldiners havr no pressure by the sound of the engine turning over. He said I need to first get a compression gauge and check each cylinder but hes sure three dont have pressure. Then he said check the timing by removing cam cover valve cover and.cambelt cover. He says theres no reason for the engine to not start (like dan fr has said) and something is telling the engine not to start. He thinks the bottom end has no damage but the cylinder head will probably need replacing.

The oil pump balance shafts have no play and the chain and sprockets on the outside look in good.condition. However I cant check the internals.

I think its probably just going to have to go to a garage, and let them find out whether it needs a new head, or if its the oil pump etc and needa a new engine. Not good. :sad1: to top it off dropped and cracked the screen 4 months into a 24 month contract. Exactlt the same time I did to my.last phone 24 months ago

Bottom.line for me is new.engine. even if I replace the head then there might be problems with turbo and other parts etc. Going to start looking when I have the cash
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 11:55:22 am by Peskyjones »

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #156 on: March 06, 2016, 10:36:53 am »
Just for peace of my mind can I get some opinions. Take it to garage for inspection or look for new engine to take to the garage and just tell them to swap the engines

Offline Andy

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #157 on: March 06, 2016, 11:23:35 am »
Take it to a garage to have a look

Offline doylebros

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #158 on: March 06, 2016, 11:54:39 am »
Just for peace of my mind can I get some opinions. Take it to garage for inspection or look for new engine to take to the garage and just tell them to swap the engines
If you can do without your vehicle then you could explore various avenues but if you need it ASAP then check with the tuners if they've got anything for sale - place and advert in the wanted section on here and explore eBay.
Expect to give in the region of 1K for a used lump with limited history and further bits to fit e.g. tbelt,water pump,cam chain and oil strainer as you'll never have confidence to press the accelerator. These bits probably could be covered with your original engines salvage value.
Recovery costs will depend where you settle for it to be repaired but by the time you pay all your expenses and the VAT you'll be closer to 2K to driving it once again.
Tooling means limited DIY work and it will take you an age without past experience with this type of work.
Repair of your existing is open ended since its failure and damage hasn't be diagnosed but if your lucky that way could come in under 1K and if very lucky less than £500 but this again will be slower route as it will require finding what you need 2nd hand as new costs will be terrifying.

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #159 on: March 06, 2016, 12:04:21 pm »
I dont have the time and the space to repair myself. Its in my girlfriends parents garage at the moment and although they said I could keep it there as long as I needed, there isnt much room in the garage and I think it will start annoying them soon.

I think I will take it to the garage for inspection soon. My dad says tow it to a vw/mervedes specialist five miles away, but im much more confident with a garge fprty minutes away. I think I should go with the garage further, right?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 12:09:43 pm by Peskyjones »

Offline GTI8v

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #160 on: March 06, 2016, 03:14:55 pm »
Just read all the pages, what a bummer for you. I certainly wouldn't want to be in your position as it's the not knowing that's sometimes worse.
As for towing to somewhere 40 minutes away, if on a trailor then go for the garage you trust.
If having to tow with a rope, old fashioned style, then garage round the corner.
If your engine doesn't run you'll have little / no braking and no power steering, which is something I personally wouldn't do.

hope you get it sorted soon though.

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #161 on: March 06, 2016, 03:17:37 pm »
No wouldnt tow with a rope, especially as dsg so needs front off the ground. Would they possibly pick it up? Anyone know how much would it be to tow approx 30 miles?

Offline GTI8v

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #162 on: March 06, 2016, 03:26:56 pm »
I'm sure the garage will have someone they use if they don't have a truck themselves.
Easiest way is to ring them and ask the questions, they know better than us unfortunately.

Offline howie1987

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #163 on: March 06, 2016, 05:43:21 pm »
if your wanting to move a car. uship are cheapish. just put up an ad and they bid. it was £240 for me to ship a car 350miles. just another option if the garage can't pick up.

Hope you get the car sorted out. must be a gutter of a position to be in.

Goodluck mate.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 05:44:58 pm by howie1987 »

Offline r5gtt

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Re: URGENT oil pressure stop engine
« Reply #164 on: March 06, 2016, 06:06:23 pm »
London is the worst place to be to ask for towing ad I've found trying to move a porsche 7 miles they wanted £120 £90 £70
Got it done for £30 from an ex colleague who was a driver for Ford lol
Then got a guy from Birmingham to collect it and take it to Devon £375.00 then someone in Rainham collected it from Devon for £125.00  :jumping: that's was cheap.

Good luck Pesky  :sad1: