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Welding Newbie
Looking good.
And if your welds look really sh*t just take the grinder to it.
And remove all the strength in the weld :signLOL:
You can grind welds but you need to "V out" the welding area first. ( having watched guys on youtube engineering channels)
--- Quote from: rich83 on April 15, 2016, 08:53:01 pm ---And remove all the strength in the weld :signLOL:
You can grind welds but you need to "V out" the welding area first. ( having watched guys on youtube engineering channels)
--- End quote ---
I did v out on the thicker stuff for the window bars.
These were not butted up as when i set it square my cuts were off. :doh: The weld has penetrated through the metal to the other side should be fine for a printer table.
Backing the chop saw i bought and getting a femi bandsaw.
Did a little practicing on some thicker stuff today.
Cant seem to make the end of the weld pretty.
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