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Author Topic: Mk5 TDi DSG woes  (Read 605 times)


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Mk5 TDi DSG woes
« on: March 03, 2016, 08:37:11 am »
Hi guys

I've had my Mk5 TDi DSG (57 plate) since November 2014. It's always been jerky in 1st, 2nd and reverse, especially when warming up. After much research on here and other sites, I guessed that it might be the mechatronics unit, probably the oft-mentioned sticky solenoid fault, so I took it in to a local indy VAG specialist in Norwich. They took a look at the logs and couldn't find any issues with it, so they did a gearbox oil change and sent me on my way. This was February 2015. The problem didn't go away, so I decided to live with it.

Rolling forward to last month, the transmission completely cut out whilst driving in 2nd gear. Flashing lights on the display, apply break light on. I quickly stopped, the transmission reset itself and all was fine. Then, on a separate journey that day, it did it again whilst going around a roundabout, but this time stayed flashing for about two minutes (luckily I was able to coast into a layby just after the roundabout). Then the engine warning light came on, although went away after a couple of days.

I decided that, as I wanted the job done properly, I would take it to the VW main dealer in Norwich. They took a look at the car, said that it was the mechatronics unit, and that they'd get it swapped out at a cost of around £2,700. I have a warranty on the car which covers the first £1,000, so I agreed to have them do the work.

On Tuesday evening I got a phone call from the dealer. They told me that they had swapped the unit, but now they couldn't get the car to go above second gear. They claimed that this meant that the car needs a new gearbox at a cost of £4,500. They've told me that the old unit was "masking a problem with the gearbox". They've also told me that I shouldn't have had the oil changed as there might have been shards of metal in the waste oil which would have shown that the gearbox was disintegrating. (Please bear in mind that the oil change was a year ago.)

I've asked for them to swap the mechatronics unit back, but they've said they can't because it's been wiped. I've also asked if they can send the new one back, but they've told me that the new unit is keyed to the chassis of the car, so can't be used on any other car. As far as I know, both of these statements are pure rubbish.

I've asked for copies of the logs they've pulled from the car, copies of the details of the work that the mechanics have done, plus photos of evidence that there is something wrong with the gearbox.

To add insult to injury, I was offered a courtesy car last week, to be picked up on Monday just gone, which I accepted. I then called last Saturday to postpone the pickup to later in the day, but was told that there was no courtesy car booked for me. If I hadn't called, I would have turned up on Monday fully expecting to be given a courtesy car.

On doing some research last night, I've found a number of horror-story reviews for this particular VW main dealer. Broken parts on cars after service, inability to get in touch with staff, rudeness from sales managers, issues "found" where there were none, including someone else who brought in a DSG Mk5 for a mechatronics swap only to be told that their gearbox had miraculously developed a fault.

I would really like some advice here on any of the above; the alleged gearbox fault, the unswappable mechatronics units, the general poor service.


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Re: Mk5 TDi DSG woes
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 12:25:39 pm »
Welcome to the forum

Sounds like bs to me.

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Re: Mk5 TDi DSG woes
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 12:45:15 pm »
Welcome mate.

Yeah sounds like BS. i have recently had a mechatronics changed and solved the same problem.

It was done by slaters in nottingham and over the phone they were very knowledgable so give them a ring see what they say. they specialise in dsg so they do know their stuff.

Good luck and i hope you get it sorted out.