So i sat and let it get to over 100degrees and not one fan came on.
My gauge in the car sat at 90 the whole time, just the polarFIS saying it was over 100.
I let it cool down. then went a drive and it was fine. then i turned the car off for 10 mins. and now no polarFIS in the menu and other things aswell.
Here's a video of what i have in the menu now.
I'm starting to think the polarFIS is gubbed. i've also noticed my wing mirror doesn't dip, when i go in to reverse and it use to. its strange.
I originally got it booked in to a garage on weds coming, for overheating. but i gave them a phone about the polarFIS and they didn't even know what it was. so god knows what to do with that as i didn't fit it, it came with the car so i don't even know where to start.
i have a pic of the version that was on it.