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Author Topic: Coolant temp high  (Read 8500 times)

Offline howie1987

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Coolant temp high
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:10:14 pm »
I have polarfis so can keep an eye on my coolant etc.

Driving its fine its always round about 75 to 85. but as soon as am at a standstill the coolant temp is going up to 100. i'm stage 2+ so i expect it to rise quicker but shouldn't be that high should it?

I've just had my waterpump done so could it maybe be an airlock in the coolant?

Also the fan only seems to kick in sometimes.

Any help would be great.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 07:11:55 pm by howie1987 »

Offline kierhanlon6

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 07:47:07 pm »
have you checked the thermostat they can break so not allowing the water flow. when driving this is fine as you have a lot of cold air to keep the radiator cool. in traffic you have no moving cold air causing it to over heat. have you put all your heaters on flat out when its over heating to drop temp? and does it take longer than normal to warm up?

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2016, 08:01:01 pm »
have you checked the thermostat they can break so not allowing the water flow. when driving this is fine as you have a lot of cold air to keep the radiator cool. in traffic you have no moving cold air causing it to over heat. have you put all your heaters on flat out when its over heating to drop temp? and does it take longer than normal to warm up?
Tbh i haven't drove it alot or let it get hot when i have drove it alot, it happend today but i just turned the car off. but it doesn't really take longer to heat up i don't think.

I'm booked in on weds for somthing else so i will get them to check and tell them to check thermostat, and the fans are kicking in.

Offline kierhanlon6

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2016, 08:05:25 pm »
have you checked the thermostat they can break so not allowing the water flow. when driving this is fine as you have a lot of cold air to keep the radiator cool. in traffic you have no moving cold air causing it to over heat. have you put all your heaters on flat out when its over heating to drop temp? and does it take longer than normal to warm up?
Tbh i haven't drove it alot or let it get hot when i have drove it alot, it happend today but i just turned the car off. but it doesn't really take longer to heat up i don't think.

I'm booked in on weds for somthing else so i will get them to check and tell them to check thermostat, and the fans are kicking in.

mine was the same and it was only a thermostat only a few quid so hopefully be a cheap fix for you

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2016, 08:06:58 pm »
have you checked the thermostat they can break so not allowing the water flow. when driving this is fine as you have a lot of cold air to keep the radiator cool. in traffic you have no moving cold air causing it to over heat. have you put all your heaters on flat out when its over heating to drop temp? and does it take longer than normal to warm up?
Tbh i haven't drove it alot or let it get hot when i have drove it alot, it happend today but i just turned the car off. but it doesn't really take longer to heat up i don't think.

I'm booked in on weds for somthing else so i will get them to check and tell them to check thermostat, and the fans are kicking in.

mine was the same and it was only a thermostat only a few quid so hopefully be a cheap fix for you
If its not that much i might aswell change it anyway. get it all checked on weds anyway. one thing i noticed is my fuel econemy isn't as good.

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2016, 06:40:02 pm »
An update on this...

Changed thermostat and coolant temp sensor. and still the temp gauge on my polarfis goes up but gauge on the car still sits at 90.

No coolant being lost either. water pumped just been changed god knows what it could be.

Could it be polarfis has a fault?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 06:55:00 pm by howie1987 »

Offline Shoduchi

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2016, 07:58:58 pm »
The PolarFIS reads from the Engine measuring blocks. You can use VCDS to confirm the coolant temp that the PolarFIS show.

Your engine should have 2 stats and 2 or 3 temp sensors.

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2016, 11:32:18 pm »
The PolarFIS reads from the Engine measuring blocks. You can use VCDS to confirm the coolant temp that the PolarFIS show.

Your engine should have 2 stats and 2 or 3 temp sensors.

cheers i will look in to the other stats. its getting plugged in tomorrow so should find out then.

Another thing it couldn't be the big fan not kicking in? do you know when that is ment to kick in as i never hear it come to think of it.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 11:35:45 pm by howie1987 »

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2016, 07:31:16 am »
Fans should kick in at around 93-94 degrees C as measured through VCDS/PolarFIS. Can't remember for sure but I think both of mine come on in the Leon at the same time.

Forget the dash readout - its useless. Temp should get to and reach the low 90's (90-95) and stay there (Stage 2+ too)
TFSI... Revo Stage 2+... . WMI.... VCDS HEX + CAN, MPPS, VAG Commander & VAG tacho - South Wales

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2016, 09:34:52 am »
Fans should kick in at around 93-94 degrees C as measured through VCDS/PolarFIS. Can't remember for sure but I think both of mine come on in the Leon at the same time.

Forget the dash readout - its useless. Temp should get to and reach the low 90's (90-95) and stay there (Stage 2+ too)
I don't think my fan is kicking in unless i turn in the aircon on. then the engine cools down straight away when its on.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 09:39:43 am by howie1987 »

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 06:32:08 pm »
So i sat and let it get to over 100degrees and not one fan came on.

My gauge in the car sat at 90 the whole time, just the polarFIS saying it was over 100.

I let it cool down. then went a drive and it was fine. then i turned the car off for 10 mins. and now no polarFIS in the menu and other things aswell.

Here's a video of what i have in the menu now.

I'm starting to think the polarFIS is gubbed. i've also noticed my wing mirror doesn't dip, when i go in to reverse and it use to. its strange.

I originally got it booked in to a garage on weds coming, for overheating. but i gave them a phone about the polarFIS and they didn't even know what it was. so god knows what to do with that as i didn't fit it, it came with the car so i don't even know where to start.

i have a pic of the version that was on it.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 06:37:28 pm by howie1987 »

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 07:48:53 pm »
You need to update that PolarFIS. The current version is 0.4.9. I'd start by disconnecting the battery to reset the PolarFIS. Then update the module.

I'd then check the coolant temp with VCDS to make sure the module is reading correctly. You need to exit the menu of the PolarFIS for the VCDS to work properly, they don't work well at the same time.

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2016, 07:57:48 pm »
You need to update that PolarFIS. The current version is 0.4.9. I'd start by disconnecting the battery to reset the PolarFIS. Then update the module.

I'd then check the coolant temp with VCDS to make sure the module is reading correctly. You need to exit the menu of the PolarFIS for the VCDS to work properly, they don't work well at the same time.
Its booked in for weds. i will just disconnect the polarfis when its in and see what they come up with.

Then sort out polarFIS.

Does polarFIS just give me the parameters etc? is it safe for me to just disconect it till i get it updated.


Had a wee look how i update it and luckilly i have an old hondata cable that is the same, so going to update tomorrow. i also now know where it is. i hadn't even heard of polarfis before i got a golf. hence the dumb questions.

See how it goes tomorrow.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 11:00:35 pm by howie1987 »

Offline howie1987

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2016, 05:31:25 pm »
So i checked my fans. both are not on and i let the car get to 110. had aircon on and no fan was on either. so looks like its the fans that are not coming on so aircon must not be working either. which being winter i haven't noticed.

Polarfis. i looked above the brake pedal and nothing there took the small panel off aswell. checked up behind glove box and nothing so i didn't get it updated but its back in my menu.

Offline Shoduchi

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Re: Coolant temp high
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2016, 08:04:14 pm »
Your Ed. 30 is from what year? The CAN Gateway is positioned depending on the year of the car and the wheel position too.