Hi mate sorry taken so long to reply
Got the bearing done on my driveway and it was fairly easy i read one of the guides in this section of the forum under Free Golf Mk5 official workshop manuals one of the wheel bearing ones. its basically remove wheel then brake caliper and disc. once these are removed then take off the dust cover and you will see the bolt that needs removing this is the only trouble i had because i needed a special bit, i think it was a m18 spline, but i got this sorted before i started by taking the new bolt to my local tool supplier. once thats out then its pull of the old hub and bearing ,its one unit, and then fit the new one and replace other parts in reverse order. i used one of the guides to get the right torque settings too.
I didnt buy my new bearing from VW i went to my local parts dealer and it cost me around £55 so not too much and it took me about an hour as it was the first time doing one but it is very easy.
it really is simple and i would definitely reccomend doing it and save some cash dont know what VW would charge but sure it wouldnt be cheap.
hope this helps mate
