General > Photography Section

Who's up for a weekly photo contest?

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Just for fun, no prizes  :smiley:

blatantly taken from another forum, but its a really good concept:


* One entry per person, if you wish to change your entry please edit your original post.
* Photos taken for this challenge only, i.e. taken after the challenge has been posted, are eligible. This can be checked. PLEASE NOTE THIS RULE
* 'Photoshopping' should be limited to B&W conversions, cropping, levels, contrast, etc, etc.
* Entries in by a weekly deadline to be set
* Try to keep images no more than 800 pixels wide.
* This goes for pictures that don't meet the rules too.
* If your entry is 'not work safe', please link it with [url] tags, not [img] tags please.


* You need to enter to vote.
* Voting will be from a Midnight to a Midnight on a decided day each week such as monday-tuesday . please make the effort to return and place your vote.
* After the deadline please post the username of your favourite photo and a brief description why.
* Your vote should be based on the use of the challenge theme.
* In the event of a tie, the earliest entry will be deemed the winner.
* The winner will choose the next challenge.

2 threads each week, one for discussion and one for photo entries only  :smiley:

might prove a good way to harvest photo's for the forum calender etc although images dont have to always be car related - thats down to the person taking them, you dont need to be a pro with a pro camera either as sometimes its as much about the idea of the images as it is the actual shot

that weeks winner will choose a word or theme for the next week and the entrant interprets it how you see fit

what do we think?  :smiley:

I think it is a good idea VC  :wink:

Poppa Dom:
Great idea VC.  :happy2:

sounds fun better clean the car tomorrow then!!  :laugh:

great idea. a site i used to be on used to do the same


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