General > Photography Section

Who's up for a weekly photo contest?

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Mako V12V:
Defo up for this:-

1) Everyone should be able to vote

2) Every 2 weeks or longer - shorter would lose peoples interest IMO.

some point's i'll put out there:

- the reason i was suggesting that you had to enter to be able to vote is purely to give people incentive to actually take part  :smiley:

theres alot of would be critics and lurkers and people would need the time to vote so would take ages between each topic/competition otherwise if we were to avoid comments like "i didnt get time to vote, or i missed the opportunity etc etc"

so in essence the people who enter are rewarded with a vote, those that dont submit simply get to lurk and discuss on the thread

its a case of pleasing most of the people most of the time, although if its what tha majority want then thats what we'll do, although ive seen photo comps die a death for this very method of voting for all being used  :fighting2:

- 2 weeks between comps is cool, makes no odds and does give people more time  :happy2:

so running the risk of too many cooks etc.... are we cool with the above or shall i shutup and start it  :laugh:

happy to keep discussing it if needed though, dont want to tread on anyones toes... and am happy to be overruled on the post to vote ruling  :happy2:

I think we should have a vote to see about the "post to vote" thing but you can only vote if you've posted in this thread...... :confused:

Whatever you say VC I'm happy.
We may need to tweak things to fit but lets just get it started and see how we fare.  :happy2:

I like your idea VC but I agree with Hedge. Perhaps a two or three day vote should be held on whether only those contributing should be allowed to vote or whether anyone can vote.

I think thats democratic  :booty:

Then we can start with you coming up with the first idea. And tweak it from there... I will make it sticky as well so that it doesnt go missing and when we start a new month unsticky the old one and sticky the new one.


cool your the mod dude so makes sense for you to sit at the head of the table  :happy2:

i'm merely throwing the ideas out until we hit something  :smiley:

do you want to start some polls then(frequency and post to vote options)? i do think there should be 2 threads though, one just for the photos and one for discussions  :happy2:


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