General > Photography Section

Who's up for a weekly photo contest?

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sounds good mate, im in.  :happy2:

I've seen it on many other forums, but unfortunately, I always end up bored of them. Who knows, maybe the topics on here might be more interesting.


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on January 10, 2010, 06:33:55 am ---I've seen it on many other forums, but unfortunately, I always end up bored of them. Who knows, maybe the topics on here might be more interesting.

--- End quote ---

you're a proper little ray of sunshine arent you dude...someone need a hug?  :love: :grin:

I like the sound of this but would prefer it if it were 2 weekly.  :smiley:

every fortnight could be done sure :smiley:

i know its failed on some forums, but thats down to interested people actually taking part. if enough people fancy it, not that you have to enter everytime, then it can be a really nice addition to this forum imho

theres enough people on here who take photo's regularly to focus them into an area with a bit of direction imho

this is only an idea, but its seems to be positively welcomed so far  :drinking:

and hedge dude, youve definately got the talent to play  :happy2:


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