Afternoon all!

Need a wee bit of help with my non-working aircon...
Problem...It's not blowing cold.
What i've done so far...
Checked fuses...there seems to be reference to two 40amp fuses in position 22 and 40, but not sure if the position 40 one is needed? So could someone confirm if they have two 40amp fuses in position 22 and 40. I only have a 40amp fuse in position 22, and there is no fuse at all in 40? The 40 amp in position 22 is fine.
I've checked the small fan on the left (when looking at the front of the car) and with the car off, it spins freely, as does the big one. With the car running at idle and the climate control temp set to low on both sides of the dual zone, neither fan is spinning, which I'm sure isn't correct?
I've also scanned for fault codes using my VCDS, and its throws up this code...

So any other pointers, perhaps more diagnosis using VCDS measuring blocks?