All Things Mk5 > How to Guides / Troubleshooting

DIY - Cam Chain and Tensioner Guide

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Bloody hell... Ill still be writing this at christmas!  :signLOL: :signLOL:

Looking good some nice through detail and photos, this is going to be invaluable!

What what the last minute dash for the HPFP o-ring, was it just precautions?


--- Quote from: v4rley on April 15, 2016, 11:53:12 am ---What what the last minute dash for the HPFP o-ring, was it just precautions?

--- End quote ---

I did tell rich to get a HPFP o-ring  :slap:

--- Quote from: rich83 on April 15, 2016, 11:46:52 am ---Bloody hell... Ill still be writing this at christmas!  :signLOL: :signLOL:

--- End quote ---

Good so far will be worth the effort.  :congrats:

For some reason when we came to refit the HPFP the seal had enlarged so it wouldnt fit back in the ridge (like it has stretched). Its never been changed before so for the sake of 13 quid its worth having a spare just incase.

Pesky jones:
Nice. Are you going to do the rest of the guide rich? I agree with diylebros I think you should write about vcds values, and remember to put 24/24 for axx and duty cycle for axx fluctuates, but all others are 28/28 and duty cycle sits at 5.9%. Perhaps block 93 put around -2kw. Good write up, going to be the best on the internet.


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