All Things Mk5 > How to Guides / Troubleshooting

DIY - Cam Chain and Tensioner Guide

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Ok folks, just stripped down the cam chain cover to find a tenstioner in bits ! also someone has already had a go at this job and the cam adjuster bolt has a very rounded head and i cant get anything on it to remove, can anyone help at all as the tensioner fell to bits and i cant get this back in without removing adjuster, tensioner was glued together  !!! whoever was in this before me needs a slap !

Depending on how mangeled the bolt head is... youll either have to try and use the OEM tool. or drill the bolt out


--- Quote from: rich83 on May 24, 2016, 01:27:04 am ---Depending on how mangeled the bolt head is... youll either have to try and use the OEM tool. or drill the bolt out

--- End quote ---

Got the bolt out with the use of a drill, when re-assembling i needed to rotate the intake cam very slightly, when you did it as i notice on your post that your intake cam was in a different position from when you started, did you have to make any adjustment prior to finishing the job? i have a very slight difference between the marks i made on the cams albeit very little.
Thanks in advance

Pesky jones:
Is it all back together @whitemoredooor ?

You can check your timing via VCDS:

Block 91 or in advanced measuring blocks 91-3 & 91-4. These are camshaft adjustment REQUESTED and camshaft adjustment ACTUAL

if AXX - you should see 24KW requested, and +/- 1kw of the requested for actual so 23-25 kw

If BWA and some others (needs checking) - you should see 28KW requested, and +/- 1kw of the requested for actual so 27-29 kw

Providing both cams have rotated by the same amount then it should be fine.

If in doubt turn the engine over twice by hand with a long ratchet on the crank bolt.


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