All Things Mk5 > How to Guides / Troubleshooting

DIY - Cam Chain and Tensioner Guide

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Pesky jones:
I'd probably have a hoover running next to the spinning bit to minimise shrapnel


--- Quote from: Pesky jones on June 17, 2019, 10:26:46 am ---I'd probably have a hoover running next to the spinning bit to minimise shrapnel

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Yes, brilliant idea. I had tissue underneath and you can bet your bottom dollar a few bits fell on top of the gearbox

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Pesky jones:
TBH I was thinking more about metal inside the head/cam chain area.


--- Quote from: Pesky jones on June 17, 2019, 12:16:15 pm ---TBH I was thinking more about metal inside the head/cam chain area.

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It sure is a valid point. From what I remember, a lot of it just falls down away from the delicate bits. But a precaution is always best!

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Excellent guide - but a couple of things missing which I’m a bit confused about and would be grateful for some help with.

Once the adjuster bolt is cracked loose - why do you remove the bolt with a different tool? (The guide refers to tool T10020?).

And how do you adjust to timing if it's out - is it by turning the crank bolt with a breaker bar?

And finally, can the intake and exhaust cams be moved independently? I’ve done the timing on an old Peugeot and also on a couple of bmws, and the bmws have a clutch type arrangement which allow each cam to be turned independently and then locked.

Many thanks!!


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