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Author Topic: Another 'what's it worth' - Edition 30  (Read 3599 times)

Offline Nasir

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Re: Another 'what's it worth' - Edition 30
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2016, 01:31:44 pm »
As an example @Golfgirl I found this ED30 on Pistonheads for £11.5k

It's almost identical to your spec but with around half the mileage. So £8K is definitely attainable and if you're will to wait, maybe more.
Shadow Blue 2007 GTI DSG (Standard)

Offline r5gtt

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Re: Another 'what's it worth' - Edition 30
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2016, 10:03:18 pm »
True.  Every car has it's weak spots (cluster pods on the TT for example!) and in all honesty, that's down to the buyer to do their homework before purchase and barter accordingly.   For example, I was put off buying an E39 M5 because of their common problems.  I could easily have bought one blind and had a riot with it, but a few K later it could have cost me £1000s!

And with GTIs, some googling will reveal - potentially high oil consumption, blocked injectors, cam chain tensioners, HPFP followers, subframe creaking, split DVs, broken PCVs, DSG mechatronic issues etc etc.   Not all cars suffer with this stuff, but it's good to do your homework to find the right car.   The best cars will have paperwork demonstrating these things have been addressed and are worth paying the extra for imo.
I paid £6850 for my golf last year and was disappointed by the lack of history promised and certain other issues I've had to address over the few months I've driven it. nothing major but a good valet would have been nice but never happened.

I've grown to like it now but pisses me off when every dick and harry wants a race and the cars not even got the power I'd like it to have. an exhaust hpfp fmic and remap later then we'll see which dick head tries it on. never had that with my mk1tt as it looked aggressive  :signLOL: the golf's just a golf  :doh: