MK6 R intercooler fitted.
I haven't done any data logging yet but my butt dyno is definitely feeling a gain in torque. The engine feels a lot stronger in boost and more responsive off boost, and generally smoother running too. And this is with standard intake and exhaust.
I think it's down to a combination of things. 1) Losing the leak prone clip-in hoses, 2) losing 9 years of oil / crud build up inside the original cooler core and 3) the improved and freer flowing core of the MK6 part. You can just feel it doesn't heat soak half as much and has much less pressure drop.
All in all, for <£250 it's a bargain for an OEM upgrade that works really well

All you need is 3 hours of your time and 2 x hose clamps. I used the OEM ones for the MK6 / S3.
I've read a few fitting guides and they mention that the driver's side boost hose needs trimming after you've pulled the metal ends off. Didn't need to do that on my Edition 30. Just pull the ends off and off you go. I used side cutters and pliers. 2 mins per hose. Some folk use a hacksaw. Which ever works best

Oh and whilst fitting it, I noticed the bottom half of my A/C condenser is pretty much blocked up with crud, bugs and folded over cooling fins. With a new condenser fitted, I expect the gains will be even greater.