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Author Topic: Loud ping (Help / suggestions)  (Read 660 times)

Offline CarlW

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Loud ping (Help / suggestions)
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:10:54 pm »
So recently i've been having an issue where when i go to the car, it unlocks via the fob as normal, jump in and go to switch ignition on and then as you'd expect, turn the engine on but... when the engine is about to turn over all electrics cut off and I have had to wait until it will reset itself i presume?

After it's reset itself, I then do the same again and the steering wheel warning light comes on and flashes along with the tyre pressure monitor and maybe one or two other warning lights. Wait a few seconds and i go to turn the engine on and it turns over, sounds normal etc. Move the car forward from standstill and the previously mentioned warning lights go and the car still seems absolutely fine.

Until now i've driven it and its seemed no different to normal besides the starting up of the car. I haven't driven far as i don;t want the car breaking down on me giving i know there is an issue somewhere.

Today however, after being on a very short drive, say 3-4 miles... I was about to pull in to park up back home and I got a loud ping exactly like the one you hear when the "low oil pressure" warning comes on if you have ever experienced it? it's happened to mine already and been fixed but this time when the "warning ping" came on, i didn't see no message appear like you get with low oil pressure. So i'm wondering if this ping is related to my start up issue and also what other faults or warnings does this loud ping noise happen for other than low oil pressure?

Should hopefully get the car in a garage in Preston when i can contact them tomorrow morning but as for now, any suggestions as to what my problem could be i'd appreciate the knowledge and also what other issues cause this loud ping noise i've heard today.


Offline doylebros

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Re: Loud ping (Help / suggestions)
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2016, 08:31:03 pm »
Start with a full scan but I feel your issue is with the ignition switch