General > Shows, Events and Meets

GTi International 2016 - July 9th-10th

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--- Quote from: ed30Lewis on July 11, 2016, 05:16:36 pm ---The white eddy is mine guys.

Was great meeting you all and putting some names to faces. Everyone's cars looked great :happy2: :drinking:

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Sorry dude. I have updated my post now  :happy2:


--- Quote from: shaunnorris7 on July 11, 2016, 09:13:35 am ---

So who was who yesterday cus tbh I didn't really recognize any of the cars from the build threads..

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 :signLOL: mine is the Graphite Blue GTi next to the R with no plate on.

Also sorry I missed most of you, I literally only spoke to AJG09 I think because I got there late.

Wasn't able to put faces to names as I was quick detailing my car when rest of you came back and left before I'd finished lol.

Was a quality day good to meet u guys @AJG09 you cleaned that steering wheel yet lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: shaunnorris7 on July 11, 2016, 03:35:16 pm ---I take it they got enough for the big GTI photo in the end then?

Anyone seen the pic yet?

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Only just, they ended up running round begging people to bring their cars, my wife included!
Strangely people down in the show and shine area didn't seem to know much about it.
Anyway, it didn't get photographed properly as the bloke with the drone couldn't be found in time, people got pissed off so started moving their cars.
Read afterwards that it was too windy for the microlight, which I can believe but nobody mentioned this at the time.
There was a media type on the hill but I don't know what the pictures look like.
They promised to send the via email to all who took part, but we'll see.
My car was parked on front row, bottom of the G  :signLOL:


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