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GTi International 2016 - July 9th-10th

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I'll be coming down from Bham area if anyone from that neck of the woods wants to convoy

Might be worth adding people's locations to the original post so others can arrange convoys if they like, and obviously if people want their location that public of course! That way if there's a few of us from the South East/London way then we could meet at the services on the M1 (common thing to do).

Yeah I'm happy with that, let me know your locations people and I'll add it to the OP

I'll be heading up from NW London. Best to be as precise as the general area of your county and then we can PM with more exact locations, keeps it more secure that way. I'm an IT geek and love my security (hence why I blur my number plate out and will be covering them up at the show).

Just purchased my ticket for the Sunday.

I'll be coming down from the Nottingham area if anyone else wants to convoy?

@shoaybmakda @AJP @RetroRaz Are any of you guys up for this? You can display your car on our club stand.


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