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GTi International 2016 - July 9th-10th
--- Quote from: rashg60 on May 27, 2016, 07:34:50 am ---Oops I didn't see it either!
Anyway they are looking for red GTIs if anyone is interested.
All in all should be a good day :smiley:
--- End quote ---
dosent have to be red ? as far as ive seen anyway
Think he may mean they haven't got many red ones applied so far for the shoot, so are looking for more red ones.
Ah ok. I thought I read somewhere that they were looking for red GTI's only (not sure where now). Anyway, just checked their website and it doesn't say it anywhere, so I'm guessing all colours welcome :smiley:
Sorry about the confusion guys.
Yeah it's 100% all colours allowed.
List of confirmed people on the stand received over the weekend by the organisers:
1) Myself - Sunday only
2) Connor Wilson - All weekend ticket
3) Carl Ellingham - Sunday only
4) Alex Griffin - Sunday only
5) Rashad Habib - Sunday only x2
6) Jamie Hall - Sunday only
7) Michael Maher - Sunday only
8) Shaun Norris - Sunday only
9) Blake Scarth - Sunday only
10) Daniel Smith - Sunday only
11) Graeme Whitehead - Sunday only x2
12) Lewis Barnett - Sunday only
Closing date for advance tickets/club stand is 23rd June at Noon for anybody else looking to join us. Tickets can be bought on the day, but NOT for the club stand.
Appears I've missed someone's username off the original post in this thread, shout up who I've missed and I'll add you to it.
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