@Martin_jk - Hi mate, saw you coming out of Boots Head Office Nottingham today and I followed behind you for a a bit until you went left at one of the roundabout.
I was in the red ED30 behind you, car looked nice 
Hi mate, how's it going? Yeah that was me :) I saw you too was going to give you a wave but was a bit awkward being in front! Thanks mate appreciate it, yours looks really nice too! Reds definitely the best colour isn't it! I saw you before I bought the car a few weeks ago, noticed you have the r32 exhaust looks amazing! Which exhaust system you got mate?
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Haha, nice one. Yeah I was going to wave to you but had to keep explaining to the missus why I was so chuffed I saw your car and then you had zoomed off

Looked a very clean motor and see it is stage 2+ so must go like a rocket. See it is lowered, is it 30mm lowered as I have some H&R springs coming tomorrow for a 30mm drop and getting fitted in the next week with my new wheels

Just have a map on mine but came with the car so not sure what it is or who did it. I think I have only seen one other ED30 around that are and was a silver one.
I have not got a full exhaust, just a backbox delete for now but love the sound and look but it was a hard choice changing the ED30 that much but went for it.