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Author Topic: 2005/05 Golf Gti Misfire (P2096)  (Read 1009 times)

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2005/05 Golf Gti Misfire (P2096)
« on: April 18, 2016, 07:32:18 pm »
Hi Guys,

I have a misfire on tick over on my GTI, it was a lot worse and through the rev range, this was cured by changing injector 3, new plugs, and new coils. However..

Now there is a misfire on tick over, when you first start the car for around 12-15 seconds its fine while the revs are on 900, moment they drop to 800 the misfire appears, driving wise maybe once in 30 miles the engine light might start flashing and a lack of power, but after that its fine.. Misfire only ever appears once car has run for 12-15 seconds.

Only CEL to come was. P2096 Post Cat Oxygen Lambda Sensor Too Lean, could this cause a misfire?

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Re: 2005/05 Golf Gti Misfire (P2096)
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 10:56:08 am »
Could be another injector.  That's why I replaced all 4 when I had one go on me.

The error is suggesting the mixture is too lean, which would tally up with a dodgy injector.  If it was a coil or plug, the error would complain of being too rich usually.

Have you got VCDS?  Data log the misfire counter.  It might take several misses to register though, especially at idle speeds.

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