I was going to state after reading your first post that this sounds like you are working in a dealership in the motor trade!
I too have been promised the world with pay and future prospects, but the more I get on at my manager about it, the more I realize that it's not happening because he can clearly see how much I would end up with his job really quickly, so is making excuses left right and centre effectively holding me back, and lest be honest, none of us are getting any younger, so he is doing me no favours, but the problem I have is where I am, works well for my wife, family and myself, even though the wage is shocking.
I would generally state to go for the one which has progressing shown within it, even though I have been there bought the t shirt and all that and don't really have any real trust in others words now, because from personal experience, it has been said to get me in the door.
Good luck which ever you go for!