General > Detailing

cleaning your car at a car show

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Guess one option is to use the jet washes at local garage, which would get the light mud off?

Yeah but if you look closely lots of 'show cars' have quite scratched paint work and some are just plain awful. This is mostly because they QD the car 4 times a day every show.

The jet was would be better but if you're doing that then you might as well wash it as if there's any dirt still on there when you dry it you will drag those bits along and again possibly put light marks in.

If you're that concerned about putting marks in then there's no real half measure its either wash it or leave it. But if it had plenty of protection and its not too bad then QD'ing once with a good one and use a few cloths turning them every time will minimise any marks and will be fine.

Think the best bet is to leave it alone

Probably is mate, just give it a thorough clean and someQD before you leave, will show up half the cars anyways  :happy2:

I either don't clean it at all or clean it.... Drive to the show and walk away from my car. If it's not show or shine who cares? :-)


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