AWE has a rear position DV relocate kit that would allow you to use the wiring you have. It puts the DV where the intake meets the turbo.
The shorter, but larger diameter, hose is the intake to turbo...and the longer, but smaller diameter, hose is the DV to sound pipe connection. I have this with my this kit comes with the block-off plate for the K03.
LHD BYD engine have the DV located near the noise generator and the intake of the turbo, so I've done this to my engine:,95592.240.htmlThis week I got the last bits I needed to relocate my DV from VW. Fortunately my friend who offered to help doing this mod was free today so I went to his house in the morning.
My LHD BYD is a bit of an hybrid between an AXX or BWA engine and the CDL engine. It has the noise generator with the DV connected to it, so the DV isn't really accessible for a check-up or replacement as all the TFSI engines with the DV at the front of the engine are.
The list of parts needed isn't that long for my engine:
-06F129627H (x1)
-1K0145693B (x1)
-06F145383L (x1)
-N90687101 (x1)
-1K0971866A (x1)
-1K0971865A (x1)
My stock engine was like this:

We started by removing all the bits that
@RBS mentioned:

For that we had to remove the wipers arms and the plastic cover. Then we fitted the new firewall cover without the hole for the noise pipe:

After that we starting fitting the new pipes. This intake side of the air pipe:

And this is the side of the throttle pipe from CTS Turbo:

I assembled the GFB DV+ in my Rev G DV solenoid. It was really easy. The DV membrane was intact and looking good. Bought Loctite 242 to secure the DV bolts:

This is the new DV fitted in the front of the engine. The DV bracket is secured with an existing nut, so I only needed the bracket and one bolt to secure the DV to the bracket:

The angle that the DV made with the small connection pipe to the throttle pipe wasn't really good, even after we tried to change it. The DV was too in line so what was needed was a straight connection pipe, not a curved one. We made it by cutting 10 cm of the old connection pipe (1K0145845):

The wire plug for the DV was already in the correct place, we only had to disconnect the extension wire. Easiest bit to do, really.

Here's the other side of the DV:

The air pipe fixed to the engine cover:

End result:

Bits removed (all except the air intake duct):

My friend also relocated the 3 small RVC wires to prevent them from breaking with the movement of the camera over the time. One of the wires of the RVC of the GT Sport broke a month ago and my friend had to repair the broken wire, strengthen the other 2 and relocate the loom to prevent from happening again soon.
After all the work done and all the pictures taken we went for a short road test. I can tell you that the engine now sounds different without the noise generator. I mostly hear the exhaust now, which is the best sound the car makes when on boost.

I didn't notice any big difference from the Rev G DV, but I can see the boost level with PolarFIS reaching a bit higher sooner than before. The car is still great to push hard.