Slight pre-revival here. Finally got some good news regarding my 034 engine mounts. So after a month n half i think they might be coming into the country!
I've had a sh*t

time dealing with these mounts especially considering how little help the suppliers were. "We dont know how, were waiting on them like you". There fault or not, why pay you then, n why take my money. ****s. Without spewing anymore hate ill leave it there.
Sooo, hopefully should have these with me Friday as thats what they said to me today. Why lie if you know it's gonna be Monday, a weekend is a big deal.
Whilst i waited for the 034s, ive ordered and received:
Oem lower n upper rear sub bush,
PF insert
PF front of dogbone bush
PF front control arm bush (alk)
PF rear control arm bush
Waiting on reg g dv & cam follower, panel filter.
With the oem dogbone i ordered a new bolt and 2/4(cant member) new frame bolts with shims. I don't have any knocking yet so should i allow the shims? They so big.
Also might be difficult to compare mounts once on as will try do all the above at same time. Should i fit anything else same time? Already got sym2 tyres. Feels like a power-down upgrade.