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Mk7 Steering Wheel into my Golf Mk6


Ive seen a 2015 Scirocco / Golf Mk7 Steering Wheel for Sale on ebay - item number: 201580298043
Can this be retrofitted to my Golf Mk6, I already have a MFSW with Cruise control.
The Steering im buying does not have cruise on the steering.. what else would I need to retrofit? I will obviously buy the airbag separately

don't buy a wheel with cruise buttons on the steering wheel or they will activate the horn when you press them


--- Quote from: Eddie-NL on May 10, 2016, 07:04:50 am ---don't buy a wheel with cruise buttons on the steering wheel or they will activate the horn when you press them

--- End quote ---

Thanks for your message. The one Im going to buy from ebay - item number: 201580298043
Is that ok for me to purchase? Will it go straight on?


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