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need a bit of advise,been using autoglym ultra deep shine polish,since the car was new,can i use meguiars car wax on top of the polish

Yeah but don't forget to rinse the car after the polish to remove all the fine particles.

I think AG's EGP (extra gloss protection I think) should in theory work better as they're designed to work as a combo, as is SRP+EGP. Also nothing stopping you to polish, add on EGP and then apply the wax.

Dave KG:
Ultra Deep Shine and Super Resin Polish are quite different.  UDS you cannot top with the Extra Gloss Protection (and its for this reason I am not a fan) as it was designed as a stand alone product...  SRP is lightly abrasive, better at overall correction and can be topped with EGP but on its own offers less protection than UDS.

When topping with Meguiars wax, be aware of streaking as a product which is not bonding to what it below it will leave streaks...  UDS I have topped with a carnauba wax quite happily, but a sealent style product will not be happy over it in my experience. 

I have some of the Autoglym High Definition Wax and it is very good if a touch pricey.

Some SRP followed by a coat of this wax will last quite a while provided you wash with cold water (so you don't melt the wax).

Wow I didn't know about UDP being a stand alone product. Thought it was just a different version of the polish compared to SRP.


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