General > Detailing
Yep UDS is a stand alone product. This is my routine:
1) AG Body Wash Shampoo
2) Wipe down with Blade & Micro Fibre
3) UDS with applicator then polish off with Microfibre
4) AG High Def Wax
The finish was sensational too it round to my mates place and his mouth hit the floor.
Usual washing is:
1) AG Body Wash Shampoo
2) Wipe down with blade
3) Aquawax with MicroFibre
AG Aquawax is good but no where as good as the High Def Wax which is sensational.
Top Cat:
--- Quote from: ccaasjf on January 03, 2009, 10:50:01 pm ---Yep UDS is a stand alone product. This is my routine:
1) AG Body Wash Shampoo
2) Wipe down with Blade & Micro Fibre
3) UDS with applicator then polish off with Microfibre
4) AG High Def Wax
The finish was sensational too it round to my mates place and his mouth hit the floor.
Usual washing is:
1) AG Body Wash Shampoo
2) Wipe down with blade
3) Aquawax with MicroFibre
AG Aquawax is good but no where as good as the High Def Wax which is sensational.
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Welcome to the forum Simon. :smiley:
What do you mean wipe down with blade. :signIWS:
Wooaahhh!!!!!!! keep that blade away from your paint, does more damage than good IMHO.
Top Cat:
Thats what i thought he possibly meant, a wise man once told me after i bought one that blades are for windows so use them on windows. :wink:
--- Quote from: jt1 on January 03, 2009, 11:19:35 pm ---Wooaahhh!!!!!!! keep that blade away from your paint, does more damage than good IMHO.
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used a blade for the first time two years ago and never again :sad: light scrathes on the paint and being black you could see very well. and all for a tenner :scared:
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