I know I keep harping on about your Springs but I really would be removing them ASAP, They are the wrong Spring for your car and adjusting the Shock Absorber's wont get around the fact you are running FWD Springs on a 4WD car and the Spring Weight Ratings are very different which is why you have got a 30MM Drop on a Spring that is only rated to give a 5/10MM drop!
Finally got some different springs, even though I dont agree with what you say, the rating for the springs on it are only a few KGs lower than standard and as they run lower ratings in the states then it isnt a problem, just sits lower (and dont forget they are progressive so get harder the more compressed).
And lets face it, your springs are very different to those designed for the original car ;) . Thes OEM springs are always a compromise to allow for different peoples tastes, you can go softer or harder depending on how you want it as long as you dont go to far.
got these to go now.